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Services / Social media marketing

Social media marketing (SMM)

Content on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, LinkedIn in FIVE languages

The main task of an SMM agency in social networks is to create valuable content that will attract the attention of the reader and help in the development of a real community. The content we prepare is varied both in terms of form: videos, photos, slides with text or quotes, and content: news, an overview of new products, elements from the company’s life, or practical curiosities.

We create materials in FIVE languages: English, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, and German. Our task is to reach the client’s target groups and encourage them not only to like the indicated channels but also to contribute to them: comment, discuss and actively share content among their friends, thus expanding the scale of reaching the message.

Each social network is a project that requires an individual approach and a separate strategy, so first we get to know the product and analyze the competition, and only then we prepare our guidelines and a detailed action plan. At the same time, we strive to make the most effective use of the client’s resources and budget possibilities.

Case Study

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