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Industries / Events / Dozens of business networking events in Ukraine and Poland, openings and presentations, training and master classes

Dozens of business networking events in Ukraine and Poland, openings and presentations, training and master classes

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Our agency has extensive experience in organizing and running events. For several years, we have been involved in the preparation of networking events, not only in Poland, but also in Ukraine. There have already been over 55 events on various business topics: E-residence, Blockchain for CEO, SmartEnergy, Marketing meeting with Igor Mann, BigData, Entrepreneur’s Day with METRO and others.

We conducted trainings and master classes in Odessa, Kiev and Warsaw on the following topics: LinkedIn for professionals, Marketing VS Sales, Turn your marketing on by 100%, Time for export or Features of brand promotion in Poland.

We have organized receptions and openings for our clients: Range Rover, BMK Logistics, Woman’s Way Warsaw.


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